Senior IT Professional

My name, Sylvain Beauchemin

Passionate about both Technology and Business, my profile stands right in the middle of these two opposite worlds

Senior IT Professional - Sylvain Beauchemin

What I do

I’ve been using computers since 1981, when the very first IBM-PC was launched.  It’s name was 8088, it had 512kb of RAM, a 10mb hard drive and it was running on DOS 2.1.

I have seen and gone through all the IT evolution eras since then, from the PC, to the 1st Microsoft Windows version, the Internet bubble, the virtualization and now the Cloud! 
All of this helped me become a great Senior IT Professional!
Sylvain Beauchemin

Cybersecurity - Sylvain Beauchemin


Although the term “cybersecurity” was not yet used 25 years ago as it is today, I was nevertheless already working on various crucial elements related to it, such as: Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans, Bare Metal Restorations, Deployment Automations, etc…

How well and quick would you be able to react in the event of a Ransomware attack?

Now preparing to get the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.

Business Development

After a few years in IT, I started to have more and more management functions, from project management to IT Director. In 2004, I did an MBA, in order to fully understand all the critical aspects of a business. The business skills I acquired helped me, as a Senior IT Professional, to broaden my horizons and contribute to Business Development.

Business Development - Sylvain Beauchemin
Presales Handshake Sylvain Beauchemin


I am proud to say that I have had great success working as a Presales, where I had the chance to leverage my overall IT expertise on one side, my business experience on the other, and also the knowledge I had obtained during my MBA, back in 2004-2005.

Training & Coaching

I love teaching, training, coaching, or whatever way or form we can call this.   Helping people learn is definitely something empowering and it is I really enjoy doing.  

Train & Coach - Sylvain Beauchemin
Senior IT Professional

Why choose Me

My goal in life has always been to make a difference and stand out, and that is the reason why I always try to tick as many boxes as possible!  Sky is the limit!

Analyst Programmer Degree

Technical side - This is when and where it all started. Although I had initially started studying Psychology, back in 1990, I quickly understood that my passion was about computers and decided to go for an Analyst Programmer degree.

Masters in Business Administration

Business side - My goal, when I decided to do an MBA, back in 2004, was to make sure I would learn and get the most important tools to stand out and make a real difference, in the business world.


Certifications are a good to gain credibility on a Professional level. They are also sometimes even required, for certain demanding positions, especially for a Senior IT Professional. That's why I got a lot of them, from IT, to Cloud to Project Management and more...

On Premise

I got a lot experience dealing with old fashioned bare metal servers, SAN & NAS Storage, Zoning, Fiber Channel and iSCSI.
Also Expert with Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans.


I started working with Virtualization right from the first VMware GSX Server version, soon after year 2000, and have continued ever since. Experienced with LAN-Free VM backups.


I have experience (and Certifications) with GCP, Azure and AWS.
Examples available on Youtube.


I did my first Freelance contract back in 2011.
I got my Intra-Community tax ID number (international VAT), which means that I can operate at the European level without the need to add VAT to my invoices.


Being from Canada, I perfecly speak English and French.

After more than 15 years in Barcelona, Spain, I am perfectly fluent in Spanish and Catalan.

Infra as Code

I started working with Infrasctructure as Code and DevOps tools like Terraform, Packer and Ansible in 2019, to automate deployments on GCP, Azure and AWS Clouds.


What Others Say?

Sylvain, is a great consultant and is very detailed and thorough in his approach to customer projects and designing data protection solutions. He is very professional and a great presenter and communicator speaking fluent French and English, he can articulate solutions very deeply and I would have no hesitation recommending Sylvain for any senior pre sales / solutions engineer roll.
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Sylvain on multiple occasions during the launch of new products and during hosted events. I was always impressed by his knowledge and thorough understanding of the business, his razor-focus solution-driven approach, and his dedication to best practices in all aspects of his work. He is always willing to jump outside of his comfort zone! He is a very personable human being and a fun individual to work with. Sylvain is a consummate professional who will make positive differences in any professional capacity.
We were able to move forward successfully with this delicate takeover project at Fortis Bank, thanks to Sylvain's technical, political and human comprehension capacity. Sylvain clearly managed to adapt to the situation and the cultural difference from the beginning. Client oriented and very international. Great professional.


Watch out for the Dogs inside

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